Monday, June 14, 2010

Sihanoukville 2

Yesterday we took a tour through the national park just outside of sihanoukville.  We had an excellent guide who navigated our boat through mangrove forests to a beautiful beach. We also met up with Helke, our new German friend, who we have been hanging out with for the last couple days.  She is doing a homestay and teaching in a small village in cambodia and ate a spider for dinner with the family she is staying with. After an hour of swimming and standing and sitting we did a short trek through the humid and fragrant jungle to a fishing village. The village was drying dozens of racks of shrimp, and the delicious (not) smell of drying shrimp filled the air. We had tasty chicken for lunch then boated back through the mangrove forest.  A rainshower in front of us led to some cool views as the dark sky contrasted with the bright blue with white clouds behind us. We stopped at a boardwalk into the forest. Walking along the sketchy planks (every few planks there was one missing, and many were rotten) took us to a viewing tower 12m high. The first tower was made of local wood and was abandoned (unsafe). The second tower behind it didnt look much safer, but we climbed up anyways. The view was pretty good but I got better photos of the rickety towers and boardwalk.  On our way back to the ranger station we saw egrets, storks, eagles and kingfishers. Locals waded through the shallow waters catchigg oysters.  We took a taxi back to sihanoukville, played frisbee in the pool and went to the beach. Grilled fish and beer for dinner. I was feeling pretty good until we had a couple free shots then my stomach reminded me of it's weakness and discomfort ensued.

Today we went on a party boat tour thing! The boat we took was awesome! There were three levels (two with couches and chairs, the top level had cushions and matresses and a few chairs). Wicked boat and it was filled mostly with Brits out to have a good time. There was also the usual mix of canadians, kiwis, Germans, and Belgians. We stopped to go snorkelling for an hour at one island. The coral was really cool but there were not too many fish and the visibility was poor.  We jumped off the top level of the boat and then headed to another island. The second island had a sweet beach (I feel like I keep repeating myself with the beaches all being really nice) that was super long. We all went for a trek up a stinky sulphrous "river" that was more like a swamp. Everyone complained of the smell as we hiked through thigh deep hot water. After 20 mins we turned around and played frisbee on the beach/in the ocean. We swam back to the boat and puttered back to the mainland. It was a good day!

We played a little discus in the pool when we got back and now I am writing this on my iPod in our room.  I am late! I have to go meet Dave and Emily and helke for dinner!

Tomorrow we are going to Takeo where we will be volunteering at an orphanage!


  1. What a fantastic time You all are having! Wish we were there too. Not with you, but just the 2 of us. i would love to go swimming every day. I can just see you jumping of the top of the party boat.

    Love Mom.

  2. wait, you're writing this all on your ipod!?!? thats crazy! i didnt know they could do such things....hope the stomach feels better, maybe it was those disgusting shrimp(s). how hot is it there?

  3. too hot... but you get used to it
