Monday, June 21, 2010

Angkor Wat

A great day at and around Angkor Wat! We got in our private tuk tuk at 4:30 a.m. and headed in the dark to Angkor Wat. We watched the sunrise (which wasn't that great...) with a hundred other tourists. We were well looked after by vendors who brought us tea and chairs and reminded us that they were at stall number 8 if we should choose to come for breakfast. After an overpriced breakfast ($3), we checked out the magnificent Angkor Wat. We spent several hours at this huge temple. We then did the 'short circuit' with our tuk tuk driver. Ta Prohm stole the show. We spent a lot of time exploring the dilapidated temple where Tomb Raider was filmed. Pathways had been partially collapsed and giant trees grew amongst the rubble. It was amazing. You could walk through random corridors and tunnels until you thought you were completely lost, only to pop out from a crack and be surrounded by other tourists on a wooden walkway. Most people didn't bother exploring and stayed to the marked route, but Dave, Emily and I went everywhere. I couldn't stop taking pictures. Luckily I found a card reader here in Siem Reap (!!!) so I can just let you look at them!! (as well as all the other pictures I have taken this trip) Make sure you 'go to older posts' on the previous pages to see all of the pictures; there are quite a few.


  1. alex, the pictures are amazing! it looks and sounds like you're having so much fun! Te's a G, from now on I only communicate with taps and points. Glad you got the pictures up, looks even better than i thought! And I'm pretty sure your parents are glad you didnt climb the sketchy tower... Say hi to dave and emily for me!

  2. Alex, I am glad to see your beautiful pics! Love mom.
