Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Phu Quoc

We caught a bus at 11:30 pm from HCMC and arrived at around 6:00 am in Rach Gia, southern Vietnam. My long lanky body does not fit well in the bus seats here, as I expected. I had a crappy ride with no sleep. Chicken and rice for breakfast in Rach Gia then we were off on a boat to Phu Quoc.

Phu Quoc is super nice. We got ourselves a bungalow just off the white sand beach for 10 bucks (split 3 ways!). Two days ago we rented scooters and motored around the island... So fun!! I am definitely going to get my motorcycle license when I am back in Canada (Sorry M&D!) Yesterday we walked along the beach during a crazy monsoon! The rain was intense and it actually hurt to be standing in the downpour.

Meals are eaten right by the ocean and a plate of chicken fried rice is about 2 or 3 bucks and a 450ml bottle of Saigon Green is 70 cents.

Life is good.


  1. Hey alex! I came across your blog while browsing facebook and reading your stories made me feel like I was in thailand with you for a second...but then I realized I was sitting in a bed not on some hammock on a beach drinking 70 cent beers. I also wanted to say sorry for missing out on your birthday and never getting in touch with you before you left. I'm going to keep reading your blog so I can live it through your eyes. Hope you are having lots of new adventures!

  2. I am glad you are having so much fun with David and Emily. I am sure it is easier than being by yourself. I looked up the tunnels and Phu Quoc. You are definitely getting a great history lesson about Vietnam. I am not sure about the motorcycle!
    Love Mom

  3. ALex! gahhh so glad to hear your having a great time, your mom told me about the traffic in HCMC and to watch the videos........are they serious? I cant even imagine how much fun you're having right now. I'm checking your blog daily, but how often do you get access to the net? I'm almost considering taking out a student loan and joining you guys......but probably not. looking forward to more posts!

    ps its andrew

  4. Do it Andrew! It's awesome here. Dave Paul you and I can chill out on the beaches of Thailand!

    I am glad you like reading my blog, Laura!
