Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ho Chi Minh City

After a long flight from YVR to Hong Kong that featured a small bladdered seat mate who went to the bathroom at least 7 times (and for some reason we never switched seats; I had the aisle seat, he had the window) and a short flight from HK, I finally made it to HCMC. The traffic here is insane!!! I'll try to describe it, even though I don't fully understand it:
-Bigger vehicles have right of way over smaller vehicles
-There are a few lines on the roads, but they are largely ignored
-There are very few traffic lights. When the flow of one street is blocked at an intersection, it builds up until there are enough cars/vans/bikes to 'push through'
-Smaller intersections are a free for all. People just drive through and gracefully avoid other drivers. It is like a plaza full of pedestrians. Everyone is going a different direction, but people time it just right so that they don't run into each other.
-There are more bikes and mopeds then I have ever seen in my life
-Crossing the street is quite fun. You just walk slowly across and time your walk so that you don't hit anyone. I think the slower you walk, the better chance you have for making it across alive. If you dart across a steet you will probably end up in the hospital.

Dave and Emily are coming to HCMC tomorrow, on the 7th! We are going to visit the war museum and the Cu Chi tunnels. Then we plan to take a sleeper train south to check out Phu Quoc Island. I am super stoked, this place sounds amazing:

"Sitting back in a hammock, looking out over the quiet surf, you may wonder why more people don't know about Phu Quoc Island. It gets almost none of the press of those islands over in Thailand -- and yet with its rugged jungle, squeaking white sands and sparkling cobalt waters, it can more than match them. And though an unbroken beach stretches for almost the entire length of the island's west coast, only a small path of it has been developed."

Time for some breakfast.