Friday, August 6, 2010


Just kidding, Paul arrived on time. We taxi'd back to Khao San Rd and found some accommodation. Dave wasn't feeling well so Paul and I left for some afternoon beers and shopping. We sampled a few different types of Thai beer (Singha, Chang, Leo) then bought t-shirts. Paul picked up a Singha shirt while I got a Chang shirt and Beerlao (which I forgot to buy in Laos). The whole day was spent wandering Khao San and Rambuttri streets. At night we met up with Dave and went for sushi!
The next day Dave went to the hospital to pick up some medication while Paul and I checked out the Royal Palace and the Reclining Buddha. We ran into Neil, one of our friends from North Van, and spent most of the day with him. We booked a bus to Koh Tao and took it at 8pm. The cold bus took us to Champohn for 4am, then we caught a 7am boat to Koh Tao. We arrived yesterday and wandered the beach. Unfortunately I succumbed to the sun and came down with some heat stroke. I was feverish last night and this morning. Dave and Paul took a 'discover scuba' dive this afternoon while I sat this one out.

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