Sunday, August 15, 2010

Koh Tao, Koh Phangan

So my 'sun stroke' turned out to be 'Dengue Fever' and I was down and out for a solid 5 days. Thus, I have nothing to say about Ko Tao, other than it sucked for me. Before I realized it was Dengue I loaded up on fever reducers and joined Dave and Paul on a snorkelling trip. It was pretty cool: lots of fish, coral and Paul and I saw a shark! Paul and Dave also took a diving lesson, which they said was pretty saweet.

After a few days on Koh Tao we headed one island south to Koh Phangan. As we got off the boat, we were convinced to stay at this one nice looking bungalow, but it turned out to be out of the way of everything and surrounded by hooker bars. We had a hard time walking out of the resort because we would get harassed by Thai women. One day later we checked out the Black Moon party, which was fun, but it was my first day feeling better so I took it pretty easy.
After the party we headed up to the north of the island via tuk tuk, then caught a boat to a remote paradise, Bottle Beach. It was nice to get away from all the tourists and 7-11s. We spent 3 days there just hanging out on the beach, at the restaurant and on our bungalow's porch. We were just off the beach and our bungalow was surrounded by cool rocks, palm trees and red ant trains.
We reluctantly left Bottle Beach and made our way to Haad Rin, the party beach where the full moon party is held. We are staying at Coral Bungalows, a 15 minute walk from the main beach. We met 4 French Canadian girls and we have been partying with them for the last couple nights. Two nights ago we went to the main beach and had a crazy night. Paul innocently took a dip in a pool and got punched in the back of the head by an angry Thai dude. I told Paul to apologize and we quickly got out of there. We watched locals twirling sticks of fire (it's the thing to do here) and then made our way back to our place. The following night (last night) was a "world famous pool party" at our bungalows. We all had a great time partying it up, chicken fighting in the pool, trying to dance in the pool, and other pool related activities including swimming.
Tonight is the half moon party in the jungle! I'm acited


  1. I am so glad you are feeling better. It sounds like a lot of partying going on.

    Take it easy.
    Love Mom

  2. Man your trip looks radtacular! Make the trip to Indo it's definately worthwhile! You sound like quite the trekker and not to mention a writing extraordinaire! Do you have a laptop with you? How much stuff did you bring? I had wayy too much stuff in Bali. It's too bad we didn't get to meet up somewhere along our trips. Stay safe! See you back in the 604.
