Thursday, August 5, 2010


Pai was as awesome as Dave had described. The food was amazing and there was tons of variations of eats. Street stalls offered chicken, pad thai, crepes while restaurants provided western and local food. Our place was right next to "Mama Falafel" and we ate some falafels and hummus on more than one occasion. We rented motorbikes for just over 2 bucks a day and toured the country side, visiting waterfalls and trekking up rivers. After 3 days Dave came out of hiding and we finally met up (he had been in Chiang Mai watching a fight, then he came down with a nasty flu type thingy). Alan left for Bangkok where he had a flight to France to catch and Dave and I continued the life of Pai. Another three days of eating, motorbiking, swimming and hiking and we caught a bus to Chiang Mai, then an overnight train to Bangkok where we were supposed to meet Paul...

to be continued...

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